For our purpose this class is not the most interesting one. In 2- Co(II)Cl4)3 there are low-spin, octahedrally coordinated Co(III) ions and high-spin, tetrahedrally coordinated Co(II) ions. In GaCl2, or Ga(I) there are dodecahedrally coordinated Ga(I) ions with Ga-Cl distances of 3.2-3.3 A and tetrahedrally coordinated Ga(III) ions with Ga-Cl distance 2.2 A. The optical MMCT transitions are at high energy. The properties of the complex are the sum of the properties of the constituting ions. In class I compounds (or complexes) the two sites are very different from each other and the valences are strongly localized.

Au ions are reduced to metallic Au by electron transfer from coordinated OH ions on the surfaces of hematite particles through their catalytic action. pH 5.9, as measured at room temperature, corresponding to the pH of the above standard system. The optimum pH to yield the maximum quantity of Au particles was ca. As a consequence, the essential reducing agent is water. It seems that Au ions of Au(OH) Cl4 complex, formed by the first aging at room temperature, are reduced to Au particles by electron transfer from the coordinated OH ions on the surface of hematite as a catalyst of the electron transfer. īoth straight-chain and branched aliphatic aldehydes show molecular ion peaks up to a minimum of Cl4 aldehydes. The triperchlorate salt is isolated most commonly. is frequentiy used in studies of electron-transfer mechanisms. In mildly acidic to alkaline aqueous solutions the ion is reduced to the iron(II) complex. has an absorption maximum at 610 nm, an absorptivity of 330 (Mem), and a formation constant of 10. Addition of 2,2 -bipyridine to aqueous iron(III) chloride solutions precipitates the doubly hydroxy- bridged species Cl4. It cannot be prepared directiy from iron(III) salts. The pale blue tris(2,2 - bipyridine)iron(3+) ion, can be obtained by oxidation of. It dissolves in excess of concentrated hydrochloric acid to give the acid H2. It dissolves in hot water but on cooling, is slowly precipitated in crystalline form. Lead chloride is precipitated when hydrochloric acid (or a solution of a chloride) is added to a cold solution of a lead(ll) salt. The vapour contains bent molecules of PbCh (cf. The solid is essentially ionic, made up of Pb and Cl ions. Give the steps involved in the formation of cis and trans-isomers by treating ion with NH3. The catalytic cycle in which ct- methyl complexes of platinum(ll) and platinum(lV) are involved is shown in Fig. These authors demonstrated that Pt Cl4 ion could catalyze H/D exchange in methane in a D2O/CD3COOD solution and, if Pt Cls " is added, the latter oxidizes methane to methanol ( Shilov chemistry). (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States) Sponsoring Org.: USDOE Office of Science (SC), Basic Energy Sciences (BES).The first example of a metal-catalyzed oxygen atom insertion into the C-H bond was the reaction found by Shilov and Shteinman and their coworkers in 1972 (for reviews, see References Ih and 5). Publication Date: Research Org.: Pacific Northwest National Lab. Washington State Univ., Richland, WA (United States).of New York (SUNY), Buffalo, NY (United States)

Chlorine-35 NQR spectra of 235U-depleted and 235U-enriched Cs 2UO 2Cl 4 exhibited no uranium-isotope-dependent shift, but the resonance of the depleted sample displayed a 58% broader line width. Additionally, the directions and relative magnitudes of the field gradient principal axes are found to be sensitive to the σ and π electron donation by the ligands and the model of the environment. The combined analyses find that one of the two largest principal EFG tensor components at the halogen sites points along the U–X bond (X = Cl, Br), and the second is parallel to the UO 2 2+ ion in Cs 2UO 2Cl 4, the components are nearly equal in magnitude, whereas in Cs 2UO 2Br 4, due to short-range bromide–cesium interactions, the equatorial component is dominant for one pair of Br sites and the axial component is larger for the second pair. This approach expands the possibilities for probing the electronic structure in uranyl complexes beyond the strongly covalent U–O bonds. Electric field gradient (EFG) tensors in the equatorial plane of the linear UO 2 2+ ion have been measured by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) experiments and computed by relativistic Kohn–Sham methods with and without environment embedding for Cs 2UO 2Cl 4 and Cs 2UO 2Br 4.